I show you step by step how to weld a decorative exterior security door from scratch using just a PROMIG 140 model Lincoln welder using inner shield spool wire. Video editor at the time was a little goofed up so the video is a little shaky.
The first step is to take door measurements. Then head to the metal supply store and pick up the appropriate lengths of square tube. Be sure to account for the outer door frame which gets bolted to the house. Then account for the swinging portion of the door. I used the same size square tube for both. I ordered the sheet metal door handle and deadlock fixture from kings architectural online. It arrived quickly and was around $30. Also account for the flatbar design of the tree as well as the 1/2" square tube for the jail cell looking lower pieces. The most expensive part was the expanded metal. This door is a security door but since the expanded metal was added it is used as a screen door as well. The expanded metal purchased for this door was 1/16" diameter holes. I tried to get the smallest they had. This wouldn't keep the small gnats out but kept out the bees and larger bugs/flies/insects. You'll need to pick up as many lag bolts as you want to secure the door to the house with as well. Also you'll need a new door handle and deadbolt. The nice thing about the prefabricated sheet metal door handle fixture is that it comes pre-threaded and specifically made to install any standard door handle and deadbolt. When welding this together extra care was taken not to warp the frame. This meant jumping around welding wise and trying to keep it cool as possible. If you fully weld out each corner joint fully at one time then the door frame will distort and be crooked. While welding I frequently checked squareness as well as the distance from top to bottom and side to side to make sure there was no bowing due to welding heat distortion. Once the welding was complete I sprayed it with two coats of rust oleum primer followed by a couple of coats of semi gloss rust oleum. This custom door turned out very stout and sturdy.
Welding Fabrication Project-New Metal Framed Shed Door Build
This is a DIY Welding Fabrication Project-New Shed Door Build.
My old door was so old it came apart. The previous owner built it. I decided to fab up one that would last. I needed it to match the shed's wood siding and be able to be locked. I have it some style with an old pipe wrench door handle. After all, it is a tool shed.
I decided it was best to make the outer frame out of angle iron as it hugged the corners a little better. I was able to tack it up in place as I had the convenience of my welder being on site and residing in the shed that I was making the door for. Tacking it in place allowed for a perfect fit.
After tacking it into place I tacked some stiffeners up to hold it in place, removed the door frame from the opening then finished the welding on the ground. This way I didn't burn down the shed.
I welded this up with this Lincoln welder: https://amzn.to/2Kxu6JD