After many comments from my you tube channel expressing frustration at the difficulty in assembling this I found it necessary to put something together here for the assembly of IKEA's "BRYGGJA" dresser. You will need a Phillips head screwdriver or cordless drill for this assembly. Make sure you carve yourself out a decent chunk of time for this assembly. There is no quick way to do it.

Here's the boxes that come with this kit. The boards, screws, fittings and components are all contained inside these boxes.

In many cases I take the directions pamphlet and toss it to the side. In this case I relied heavily on it and would not have been able to properly assemble it without it. It was tough to assemble WITH the directions pamphlet.
This picture shows tearing into the longer box and start pulling out the pieces.

This was what was contained in the contents. The two smaller boxes have the smaller parts in them.

Boards, directions and the wheeled metal sliding brackets for the drawers.

Lay these 4 boards out on the floor next to each other. Take note of the slots in the boards for laying these out properly. Install 6 of the screws into the right side of the first 3 boards as shown. Install 2 of the screws to the left side of the board farthest on the right. Install 3 of the screws into the left side of the first three boards. Install the final screw to the right side of the board farthest on the right.

These are the fasteners that are to be installed. They have a Phillips head screw style on them. I used my cordless drill to install them but care must be taken to lighten the setting on the cordless drill so as not to over tighten them and breaking the particle board wood.

Although I used a cordless drill to install them, you can use a regular Phillips screwdriver as well.

Here is a picture of the first fastener installed.

As per the directions, fasteners installed. The two boards with the slots on them laid out on the far left and far right.

It is now time to install the metal roller brackets for the drawers.

The metal roller brackets will get installed with the fasteners contained in the bag with a "2" printed on it.

The big "2" fasteners are also Phillips head fasteners. Screwdriver or cordless drill will work.

I started playing the rails on the far two boards. You will notice that there is an "R" for right and an "L" for left. Be sure to install these correctly according to left or right as the boards are laid out otherwise your drawers will not fit or function properly.

Here is a shot of the metal roller brackets for the drawers installed into the side boards.

This box contains the parts that will make up the interconnecting framework.

This is how it will look when you open it up.

Take note of the slots on the boards. This helps with proper orientation.

The wooden dowels that come with the parts bag get install in the far right and the far center holes. The center hole will be the insertion point for one of the metal fasteners that you already installed.

This illustrates how the smaller boards are placed perpendicular to the boards you have recently installed the rails on. This shows the insertion of the circular Phillips head metal fasteners. Be sure you have installed the wooden dowels into the smaller boards before you get to this point.

The wooden dowel will sink down into the hole of the board laying on the floor and the metal screw fastener will take up the adjacent hole on the end of the board next to the wooden dowel.

Once you have it set in place now you will install the circular fastener into the hole and turn it with a screwdriver to lock it in. It actually holds quite nicely with the combination of the wooden down and the two interlocking fasteners.

This shows an in-process shot of a few of the boards installed perpendicularly. I did not use any wood glue when installing the wood pins (dowels) and it held great.

As per the instructions, it's time to place the provided wooden dowels into the tops of the boards you just installed perpendicular to the boards on the floor.

Here's the wooden dowels (pins) that get pushed into the top of the boards into the holes.

Wooden dowels installed into the far holes, not the middle. The middle is to accept the metal fastener followed by eventual round Phillips head fastener.

Now take the third board from the left and place it on top of the 4th board from the left. Align the holes for the wooden dowels and make sure the metal fasteners find their holes as well.

It will now look like this. Now is a good time to adjust your rails if you didn't get them installed correctly. We will now secure this into place with the circular Phillips head locking fasteners that get inserted into the round holes on the sides of the vertical boards by inserting and turning to the right.

You can use a cordless drill as I did your just use a hand held Phillips head screwdriver to secure the round locking fasteners in.

Although very tedious due to the sheer volume of these fasteners in need of installing, they hold together nicely.

Install three more rails on the top of the stacked board.

This is showing the three more drawer rails installed.

Keep on building. Same routine as the last steps.

Another shot showing the inserted wooden pins (dowels).

Wood slat with wood pins installed accepting the Phillips head fastener.

The directions are nice in that they show you which ones NOT to use since they've provided different types. The longer ones will be used later.

Pop in in the hold and turn it with your driving tool.

Making progress as slow as it may seem. This assembly is no quick task!

Yes that's right MORE rails!! Uggh.

Next set of rails installed.

Keep with it. More wooden dowels and wooden slat assembly.

The piece on the floor is going to go on the top. You will pick it up and then turn it over so the rails are facing the ground and gently place in on top of the assembly guiding the metal fasteners into their respective holes.

Secure it using the circular fasteners.

Plenty of these are used during this assembly. Place them in the sides in of each board as shown.

Below shows the wooden dowels inserted. This will eventually be the bottom. They will be used to secure the assembled part thus far to the bottom board with the legs, which we are about to assemble.

Now for the legs. Place the wooden dowels in the top of each of the four legs as shown below.

The above shows the wooden pins inserted into the legs making them ready for installation. Yes there are 5. The 5th one will go in the center of the bottom board.

This shows them loosely installed and ready for the next step of installing some internal securing components.

All the the legs will accept the same set of internal components and share the same installation process.

Here is an expanded view of what will be installed.

The metal sleeve goes up through the hole on the bottom board.

The threaded stock goes up through that.

Now is a good time to put the felt pads on the bottom of the legs to keep them from scratching your floor.

Installing the fasteners to the topside of the base (legs are on the bottom of this piece).

Lock it all in

Lock it in using these. Same as you've been doing.

Slide the thin back piece into the slots.

Now prep the top board for installation. Insert 8 screws into their respective slots.

Need to install the provided "L" brackets into the bottom of the top board.

"L" brackets installed.

Now need to install the top board.

Be sure to lock it in as you've done so far using the circular fasteners.Top board installed. Now time for the drawers.

This photo shows the locking in of the top board.

The next step is to install the black plastic half-round fasteners into the back. They are a two part fastener. The first part goes into the hold and then the second part (solid half round top) goes into the plastic fastener that has been inserted.

The first piece going in.

First part installed. Now this second piece goes into that.

Second portion of the fastener being inserted into the first. There are quite a few of these.

Time to assemble 9 drawers.

Install the dresser drawer knobs.

The screw gets installed from the inside of the drawer then the knob threads onto the front.

Slide the drawers into the dresser as you get them assembled.

All done.