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27 Simple Basic DIY Automotive Fixes to Save Money

Writer's picture: DIYTechnicianDIYTechnician

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

DIY How to Change an Air Filter Yourself

Air filter changeout is probably the easiest thing you can replace on a vehicle. Even if you don't change your own oil, don't get ripped off by these oil change places telling you that you need a new air filter. They overcharge you and most of the time you really don't need it to be changed out. All you need to do is stop by Wal-Mart or an auto parts store like Auto Zone etc. and grab a new air filter for the year, make and model of your vehicle. This is something you could do anywhere like even in the parking lot of the place you purchased it if you want. I will usually pick one up to have on hand when I'm purchasing my oil and oil filters. This demonstration tutorial was performed on an older 1998 Toyota Tacoma.

Here's a link to this same type on amazon:

FRAM Extra Guard Air Filter, CA6690 for Select Geo, Isuzu and Toyota Vehicles:

Link to my wife's poshmark:

Free shipping on first order if you mention DIYTechnician!

How to Change an Automobile Battery | Tutorial For Dummies-Car Battery Replacement

How to Safely Change a Tire: The Basics | Beginner's Step by Step Easy Tutorial

In order to safely change a tire you'll need a tire iron and a jack. It is best to use a jack stand as well in case your jack fails. Many people get crushed every year by relying on their jack alone. If you absolutely must not use a jack stand than take all precautions to anticipate the vehicle coming down and the jack failing. This means keeping your body and all body parts out of the way between any part of the vehicle and the ground.

The first step is to make sure the vehicle is on flat ground. To be super safe place two wheel chocks on both sides of any wheel that is not to be changed out. Loosen the lug nuts (with the lug wrench) on the wheel before jacking it up. Then jack up the vehicle with a jack using part of the vehicle's frame as closest to the wheel/tire you are changing out treating the situation as if the jack will fail, slide the jack stand under the frame so it's snug and will hold if the jack should fail. Finish loosening the lug nuts on the wheel and remove them and set the aside. Remove the wheel and plug the spare on. Hand tighten the lug nuts on the new wheel getting them as hand tight as possible in a star pattern. Carefully remove the jack stand and lower the jack. Now tighten the lug nuts in a star pattern. If you used wheel chocks remove those now. Drive slowly to the nearest tire service station to get your tire repaired as soon as possible. Don't drive on the spare for longer than necessary as it is only made to be used as a temporary crutch.

BIG RED T43002A Torin Steel Jack Stands: Double Locking, 3 Ton (6,000 lb) Capacity, Red, 1 Pair:

Reset the ""Change Oil Soon" dash warning light for Chevrolet GMC trucks and SUVs

After you change your oil is super simple. to reset the "CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON" warning on your dash display. It will not reset itself. All you do is watch the three simple steps in the video and it will be gone immediately. Those steps are, turn the key to the ON position (without starting vehicle) to where the warning lights are displayed. The vehicle should be beeping at this point. Then press on the accelerator three times slowly all within 5 seconds, then turn the key off. The dash warning light will be gone when you turn it back on. If this doesn't work the first time, repeat the steps. It's possible you pushed the accelerator too fast or too slow.

The joys of owning a GMC Sierra or Silverado are endless. There are many things to look forward to if you are choosing to be the proud owner of a GMC Sierra or Silverado. You can bet that the Service Tire Pressure Monitoring System dash warning light will come on at some point. You'll need to change the spark plugs and spark plug cables as well as change the oil. You likely need to know how to remove the tailgate as well as keep your tailgate from being stolen as they are really quick and easy to remove. Steering wheel replacement and possibly even steering column replacement. There's a chance that at some point you'll need to know how to remove or and least disconnect and re-connect the drive shaft. You'll need to know how to reset the change oil soon dash warning as well as what some of the common error codes are.

DIY How to Install Tire Snow Chains-Step by Step Tutorial

1. Get the chain laid out on ground to get spread out

2. Drape chain over tire

3. Roll vehicle forward for easy backside connection

4. Connect inner or inside most chain connection

5. Connect outer or outside most chain connection using long piece for leverage grabbing as high on link chain as possible for the most tension

6. Fold over and lock into place with hook

7. Install outer rubber circular piece using hooks

Security Chain Company QG2221CAM Quik Grip Light Truck CAM LSH Tire Traction Chain - Set of 2:

How to Replace a Steering Column for $100-GMC Sierra/Tahoe/Silverado/Suburban

This was a lot easier than I thought. I picked up a steering column of a Tahoe from the junk yard. The truck that this was being replaced in is a 2002 GMC Sierra. I had never replaced one of these before, I hadn't watched any videos on it, and really just dove in and went for it. I did, however, have some reassurance from some gearhead buddies of mine that even a non-automotive mechanic type such as myself can do it and that most idiots can do it. I'm not exactly sure what they were trying to tell me. Don't be intimidated by this if you've never done it before. It's a piece of cake if you're willing to put a tiny bit of turning some wrenches and disconnecting and reconnecting a few electrical connections.

The first step was calling the junk yard and telling them what I need. They let me know that it's the same for a Chevy Silverado, Tahoe, Suburban, or GMC Sierra. I took a leap of faith. After all they were only charging me $100 which was about 10X cheaper than if I took it to the dealer to have this done. I went and picked it up, took it home, and got to work. In a nutshell, it was all just plug and play sort of speak. Secondly, I had to remove all of the surrounding plastics. Then it was just remove all of the electrical connections and unbolt the securing nuts and bolts. I will say, you are going to have to tap into your socket extension supply. I didn't have a long socket extension so I put about 10 small ones together and it did the trick. I probably had the old one out within a couple hours. If I had to do it again I could probably do it in half the time or better. The airbag will need to be disconnected when you do this. The new steering column did not come with an air bag. Likely because it had deployed on the vehicle it came out of. The air bag needed to be disconnected from the old one and reinstalled on the new one. It was totally easy. I did make a video on how to do just this.

Here's the link to my video on how to remove the airbag:

All you really need to do is slide a couple long Allen wrenches in the holes visible along the steering column and push them in. This disengages the airbag. All you need to do then is unhook the two electrical connectors and it's out. Then plug them back into the new steering column.

Now after unbolting everything and unplugging all of the electrical connections, slap the new one in and reverse the process. Snap all the plastics back in place and you are almost good to go.

You will need to override the anti theft function though. I posted a video on how to do this.

Here's the link for it:

All you need to do to get your new steering column functioning properly is to place your ignition in the "On" position for an hour. Be sure to have a fresh battery for this or maybe place a battery charger on the battery while doing this. After an hour it'll crank over and stay on rather than it killing the motor after a couple seconds.

How Remove and Install Airbag from a Steering Column-GMC Sierra or Chevy Tahoe/Chevrolet/Suburban

This airbag removal and re-installation was performed on a 2002 GMC Sierra. It came out of a 2002 GMC Sierra Steering Column and re-installed on a Chevy Tahoe steering column. It was super easy to remove from the Sierra and install in the Tahoe. This was actually part of a steering column replacement on the Sierra.

Vehicle Anti Theft System Reset Override Technique-GMC Sierra or Silverado

After replacing the steering column in the truck it was necessary to replace the Vehicle Anti Theft System Reset Override because it would only start for a couple seconds and then die. I was initially going to try to bypass it, however, a quick call to the chevy dealer (thank you!) revealed a simple sequence of operations on how to reset it. The trick is to turn the key to the "ON" position, leave it for 1 hour like this, then start it up. You must ensure you have a nice fresh battery in order to do this or even place a battery charger on your battery will you do it so it won't go dead. It should fire right up.

Zento Deals 2 Pack Security Tire Clamp Heavy Duty Anti- Theft Vehicle Wheel Lock:

DIY How to Get Shiny Rims At Home

Revitalize the look of your ride with our comprehensive DIY guide on cleaning your car rims! In this step-by-step tutorial, we'll show you the fastest and most efficient wheel suds and scrub technique using a specialized brush kit. Say goodbye to brake dust and grime as we take you through the process of achieving sparkling clean rims that will make your car stand out. 🔧 Tools and Materials: - High-quality wheel cleaner - Bucket - Soft-bristle brush - Wheel brush kit - Microfiber towels - All-purpose cleaner - Hose or pressure washer 🚗 Step 1: Gather Your Supplies Before diving into the cleaning process, make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials at hand. This includes a high-quality wheel cleaner, a bucket, a soft-bristle brush, a wheel brush kit, microfiber towels, an all-purpose cleaner, and a hose or pressure washer. 💡 Pro Tip: Investing in a good wheel brush kit can make the cleaning process more effective and efficient. 💦 Step 2: Pre-rinse the Rims Start by giving your rims a thorough pre-rinse. This helps to remove loose dirt and debris, making the cleaning process more effective. Use a hose or pressure washer to spray down the rims and tires. 🧼 Step 3: Apply Wheel Cleaner Spray a generous amount of the selected wheel cleaner onto the rims. Ensure even coverage, including hard-to-reach areas. Let the wheel cleaner sit for a few minutes to break down brake dust and grime. 🔄 Step 4: Agitate with Soft-Bristle Brush Use a soft-bristle brush to agitate the wheel cleaner and loosen stubborn dirt. Pay extra attention to intricate patterns and tight spaces. The soft bristles help prevent scratches while effectively cleaning the surface. 🚿 Step 5: Use Wheel Brush Kit for Precision Take your wheel brush kit and use the appropriate brushes for different parts of the rims. The specialized brushes are designed to reach tight spots and intricate details, ensuring a thorough cleaning. Follow the contours of the rims for the best results. 👀 Step 6: Inspect and Touch-Up Inspect the rims after brushing to ensure all areas are clean. If necessary, go back and touch up any spots with the soft-bristle brush or specialized wheel brushes. 🚱 Step 7: Rinse Thoroughly Thoroughly rinse the rims and tires to remove any remaining cleaner and dirt. A pressure washer or a strong stream of water from a hose is recommended for an effective rinse. 🧽 Step 8: Clean Tires with All-Purpose Cleaner While your rims are drying, use an all-purpose cleaner and a brush to clean the tires. This step adds the finishing touch to your car's overall appearance. 🧼 Step 9: Dry with Microfiber Towels Once the rims and tires are clean, dry them using microfiber towels. Ensure that no water spots are left behind, leaving your rims with a polished finish. #CarCleaning #DIY #WheelCare #AutoDetailing #CarMaintenance #RimCleaning #carcaretips  Good day everybody! I've got this wheel brush kit here from Zindel for cleaning wheels and tires for an unboxing and review. Well, this is nice too. It comes with some directions on the back about using this in conjunction with cleaning solutions. It also comes with a nice carrying case or carrying bag. Here's everything that came in the box: two microfiber brushes, a handheld brush, another smaller brush, and a water hose nozzle. There's the nozzle to protect it. You can adjust the nozzle flow here as well. Nice easy squeeze for getting the water out. We'll be using this look at this nice microfiber brush as well. It's got a good handle and a knuckle guard for cleaning the wheels. It's got a hole through there too if you wanted to put a piece of string and hang this up. You could do that as well. Then it's got the smaller version of that right here also has a hole in the handle or knuckle guards, I guess you could call it, to keep from bumping your hand cleaning your rims out. This is to get some of the bigger stuff off as well. It's a good clean brush. Here's a smaller brush too. Now, all this stuff, you'd be able to hang it up on a rack or use a string around it if you wanted to. Smaller brush for getting in those tighter areas. Let's go put this to use. Here's the stuff I'm using it with. Got my bucket all full. I'm going to start with the brush here. You can see this gets in all the nooks and crannies there as well. I go ahead and use this next, get in spots like this. Got my helper here. You can get down in those little valleys right there and then the corners here are the rims as well. You can do kind of like that, a lot of options with this kit. I'll go ahead and go with this little one right now, down in there, get in [Music]. There we got this one here as well, get in here and around these lug nuts, and get around the valve stem here as well. Clean the outside of that rim. There's a little groove right around that.

How to Remove a Nissan Frontier Tailgate

This video shows you step by step how to remove a Nissan Frontier Truck tailgate. First you drop the tailgate, then spread each clip on each cable and pull off the rung. Once each cable is loose then close the tailgate (but not fully) only to the 45 degree position. Now it will just pop out. You can have it off in about 5 to 10 seconds with a little practice.

Amazon Link to Tailgate Theft Prevention Device:

Truck Tailgate Theft Prevention Trick

Installation of a couple hose clamps can make the difference between keeping your tailgate or losing it to theft. These clamps remove it from the easy target list and maybe make the dirtbags move onto another truck.

This demo was performed on a Silverado tailgate which works for GMC Sierra as well.

Amazon link to gate keeper:

Here's a link to my other video on how to remove a GMC Sierra or Chevy Silverado tailgate in about 3 seconds:

Automobile Card Reader ("IU") Not Working-Here's the FIX!

Also called an "IU" in Singapore. NEX Cashcard reader doesn't work? Mine didn't either. I figured out how to fix it after getting trapped. Twice!! People lining up behind me honking etc. What a mess. So I though at first maybe it was a problem with the card so I took my car home, hopped on my bike, rode down to the 7-11 store and topped up my cashcard at the OCBC ATM machine. I was baffled b/c it showed that I still had a decent balance on the card. I knew it had to be something with the reader. If your reading is working correctly, when you insert your card the green light will come on and it will display your remaining balance. If it's malfunctioning, like mine was, it will do nothing when you insert the card. So I traced out the wire to the fuse box inside the car. It was either apparently plugged into the wrong slot in the fuse box or the connection at that slot became corroded and no longer works. As soon as I plugged it into the next fuse insertion point over from it, it worked just fine and as it's supposed to. It can be a royal pain if this thing starts to not work and huge inconvenience. It may be a good idea to routinely check this before setting out anywhere in your car just avoid this from happening. NOTE: I had to get this card reader replaced yesterday. The fix in this video did work for a few months but eventually it quit working. It still had power and showed "ON" on the LED digital display but wouldn't work when it came to being able to be read at Shopping Centers or Freeway tolls. I knew the card itself was good because I pulled the card out and inserted it manually into reader at car parks. I took it to VICOM station and they had it fixed in under 20 minutes. They told me the reader spoiled. I got it fully replaced for free because the IU card reader was still under warranty. #NEX, #cashcard, #DBS, #Parking, #toll, #reader, #cardreader, #singapore, #DIY, #solution, #remedy, #topup,#SG, #asianews

How to Remove GMC Chevrolet Truck Tailgate-Super Quick and Easy

Simple and quick demonstration on How to Remove GMC Chevrolet Truck Tailgate.

Step one: Lift handle on tailgate and open to about 50%-75% open. This will allow for some slack to be left in the attaching cables.

Step two: Depress the clip (outboard towards inboard) on the cable end where it attaches to the truck. Slide clip off trucks' metal dowel . This is most easily done with a flathead screwdriver.

Step three: Line up lower bottom insertion slot on tailgate to where opening on slot allows for removal and pull it off.

After doing this one time, you can have one off in about 3 seconds. While convenient for us it is also convenient for tailgate thieves. It's a good idea to look into tailgate locks available on Amazon. I'll post the link below but also you can use hose clamps as I demonstrate here:

Amazon link to Tailgate keeper:

Spark Plug and Spark Plug Wire Change Out-GMC Sierra and Chevy Silverado

Tutorial Style Video on DIY Spark Plug and Spark Plug Wire Change Out-GMC Sierra and Chevy Silverado. It needed to be done so I figured I'd make a video while I did it. The joys of owning a GMC Sierra or Silverado are endless. There are many things to look forward to if you are choosing to be the proud owner of a GMC Sierra or Silverado. You can bet that the Service Tire Pressure Monitoring System dash warning light will come on at some point. You'll need to change the spark plugs and spark plug cables as well as change the oil. You likely need to know how to remove the tailgate as well as keep your tailgate from being stolen as they are really quick and easy to remove. Steering wheel replacement and possibly even steering column replacement. There's a chance that at some point you'll need to know how to remove or and least disconnect and re-connect the drive shaft. You'll need to know how to reset the change oil soon dash warning as well as what some of the common error codes are.

How to Change Oil and Filter on Chevrolet Silverado or GMC Sierra

Oil change on circa 2010 Model Chevy Silverados, GMC Sierra, Suburbans, etc. Save labor costs and DIY. After getting your oil and filter (PF4BE ACDelco) from the store grab your oil pan, oil filter wrench, socket and ratchet (or open ended/box end wrench). Make sure the truck is sitting on a flat surface and is chocked properly so it won't move. Crawl under it and loosen the oil pan plug with your wrench. Make sure your oil pan is underneath the plug and loosen it all the way allowing the oil to come out. Then loosened the oil filter and finish draining all of the oil, remove filter. It may be a good idea to crack the cap under the hood where the oil comes it so as to allow the oil to flow out better. Drain the filter into the oil pan. Keep your face out of the way so you don't get oil in the eyes. Always a good idea to have safety glasses on as well. It's also easier to do this if you have car ramps to elevate the front end a little bit so it's easier to crawl under. Once oil is drained, lubricate the new filter gasket with a light coat of oil and install new filter nice and snug hand tight or snug with the oil wrench. Install the oil pan plug nice and tight. Always a good idea to use rubber gloves too so you don't get oil all over your hands. I used an engine oil additive on this oil change (Lucas). Add the correct amount of oil. This will be shown on the dipstick. Don't overfill. The joys of owning a GMC Sierra or Silverado are endless. There are many things to look forward to if you are choosing to be the proud owner of a GMC Sierra or Silverado. You can bet that the Service Tire Pressure Monitoring System dash warning light will come on at some point. You'll need to change the spark plugs and spark plug cables as well as change the oil. You likely need to know how to remove the tailgate as well as keep your tailgate from being stolen as they are really quick and easy to remove. Steering wheel replacement and possibly even steering column replacement. There's a chance that at some point you'll need to know how to remove or and least disconnect and re-connect the drive shaft. You'll need to know how to reset the change oil soon dash warning as well as what some of the common error codes are.

Mobil 1 5W-30 Extended Performance Full Synthetic Motor Oil, 5 qt.:

TEKTON 5866 12-Inch Oil Filter Pliers:

DIY How to Install a Toyota Tacoma Tailgate Quickly [Toyota Tacoma Tailgate Removal and Install]

The steps for installing a Toyota Tacoma tailgate are super easy and are as follows: Step 1: Slide the left side onto the round stock end piece on truck Step 2: Slide the right side (C-shaped end) over the male end on truck Step 3: Connect cables on both sides Step 4: Close Tailgate and you're done!

"SERVICE TIRE MONITOR SYSTEM" Dash Warning Light-What to do about it

This warning is telling you that at least one of your Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) sensors are faulty. These sensors are located inside the tires and I couldn't figure out how to replace them without removing the tire from the rim, however, I have been told by youtube "march marine" that the receivers are part of the hub assembly and can be unhooked and removed with a 10mm socket, the rim sensor hardly ever goes south. The only thing you need to remove is the tire from the vehicle and in some cases not even. If one of them are bad, then the others are sure to follow. The batteries go bad on them and need to be replaced. Best time to do it is when you get new tires. It would be advisable to get all 4 changed at the same time rather than just change one or two. What is likely to happen is that the remaining sensors are likely to go bad not too long after you get one or two replaced resulting in having to look at the error message for another length of time. It's kind of a scam b/c I've been told by quite a few automotive mechanics that they design these sensors to fail right around the 10 year mark. The unfortunate part is that this adds a few hundred buck to your already expensive tire replacement. It been mandated by law that all vehicles must have them now.

When this first happened to me I checked and double checked my tire pressure on all four tires and even inflated them towards the upper PSI limit thinking that this would make the "Service Tire Monitoring System" warning disappear but it did not.

One way to possibly save a little money when getting these things changed are to order the sensors yourself and then providing them to the automotive garage or business that you have changing your tires because many times tire centers will charge you extra for these sensors (as with many parts) as this is a way for them to make a small profit and also they DO need to be paid for their effort and time, after all, they are the ones ordering your parts. Be sure you order the correct sensors for your make, model, and year of vehicle. is a good place to order parts from. I have had many friends who are motor heads order numerous parts from them and all have good things to say about them. I've ordered my TMPS sensors from them and it was really easy. They sent me the correct parts at a decent price.

The joys of owning a GMC Sierra or Silverado are endless. There are many things to look forward to if you are choosing to be the proud owner of a GMC Sierra or Silverado. You can bet that the Service Tire Pressure Monitoring System dash warning light will come on at some point. You'll need to change the spark plugs and spark plug cables as well as change the oil. You likely need to know how to remove the tailgate as well as keep your tailgate from being stolen as they are really quick and easy to remove. Steering wheel replacement and possibly even steering column replacement. There's a chance that at some point you'll need to know how to remove or and least disconnect and re-connect the drive shaft. You'll need to know how to reset the change oil soon dash warning as well as what some of the common error codes are.

Error Code P0411 and Air Recirculation Pump Repair

#P0411 #VW #Volkswaggon #Bug #Beetle This error code was able to be fixed by using this method. This type of fix is not meant to be a long term or textbook fix. This is merely a short term band aid to get the error code to stop appearing. I had my music playing in the background while I was talking so I had to put music over the words in the video to avoid copyright issues. In this instance the case for the air circulation pump was leaking so it needed to be secured back together. In order to do this properly it would need to be removed. This is entirely possible, however, it would take a long time and a lot of effort. I decided to see what I could do to secure it in place. I first triad to use zip ties to secure the air circulation pump housing back together using zip ties. This didn't work the best because the zip ties' tensile strength wouldn't hold up during tightening. I decided to use some wire instead by cutting it into manageable lengths, running it through the hole, then tightening it down with a pair of hemostats. This took a long time and a lot of persistence but it worked and proved to be easier then pulling the whole thing out. The air circulation pump stayed together and the error code was reset. I did have to take it back into the auto parts store in order for the code to be removed as I had no code reading unit.

Error Code P0411 and Air Recirculation Pump Repair

LInk to Code Reader:

How to Change Oil on Year 2000 Volkswagon Bug

Don't ever buy one of these but if you happen to own one, here is how you change the oil on it.

How to Remove and Install Ignition Key Lock Cylinder-GMC Sierra/Silverado/Tahoe/Suburban

The first step of replacing the key lock cylinder is to disconnect the battery and remove the steering column covers. The reason I replaced this one is because it has broken plastic and the cylinder will not turn past the "ON" position. I went down to auto zone and picked on up for $50. One thing to realize is that now the door lock key will be different than the ignition key. To get this thing in and out, there is a little hole in which to insert something to depress the latch that allows the key lock to be inserted in and out. I used a scratch awl because it was the first thing I grabbed out of my toolbox that I found to fit but I'm sure there is a specially made tool out there just for this. The trick is that the key must be in the "Start" position for it to be slid in and out. Another thing to use is a sports ball inflation needle. Many of us have these laying around as well. Insert it into the hole and the key lock cylinder will easily slide in and out. Good to go. I initially thought the problem was the key cylinder. I ended up replacing the whole steering column. I went to the junk yard and got one. The joys of owning a GMC Sierra or Silverado are endless. There are many things to look forward to if you are choosing to be the proud owner of a GMC Sierra or Silverado. You can bet that the Service Tire Pressure Monitoring System dash warning light will come on at some point. You'll need to change the spark plugs and spark plug cables as well as change the oil. You likely need to know how to remove the tailgate as well as keep your tailgate from being stolen as they are really quick and easy to remove. Steering wheel replacement and possibly even steering column replacement. There's a chance that at some point you'll need to know how to remove or and least disconnect and re-connect the drive shaft. You'll need to know how to reset the change oil soon dash warning as well as what some of the common error codes are.

DIY Blower Motor Resistor Replacement 1985 Nissan

The heater and air blower quit working so I knew it was time to change out the blower motor resistor. It's a pretty easy fix. The blower motor starting not to work on some settings at first then it eventually quit working all together. Watch how to do it in my "DIY Blower Motor Resistor Replacement 1985 Nissan" video.

Four Seasons 20190 Blower Motor Resistor:

P0411 Error Code Reading and How to Fix it-Volkswagon Beetle Bug Circa Yr 2000

Steering Wheel Removal- Removing a steering wheel on GMC Chevrolet Silverado Tahoe Sierra Suburban

The first thing to do is to remove the airbag. There's a little hole in the side of the steering column that I inserted a long Allen wrench into. This will release the airbag. Then I loosened the nut I the center with a socket and ratchet. It has standard threads so lefty loosey. Once the nut was removed I just had to give it a little bump on the back with a rubber mallet to help it come off. Simple.

The joys of owning a GMC Sierra or Silverado are endless. There are many things to look forward to if you are choosing to be the proud owner of a GMC Sierra or Silverado. You can bet that the Service Tire Pressure Monitoring System dash warning light will come on at some point. You'll need to change the spark plugs and spark plug cables as well as change the oil. You likely need to know how to remove the tailgate as well as keep your tailgate from being stolen as they are really quick and easy to remove. Steering wheel replacement and possibly even steering column replacement. There's a chance that at some point you'll need to know how to remove or and least disconnect and re-connect the drive shaft. You'll need to know how to reset the change oil soon dash warning as well as what some of the common error codes are.

How to Change Out a VW Buggy Taillight

Light bulb part number: BP17916 Wagner Lighting 17916 Miniature Bulb - Box of 10:

DIY Brake Caliper Replacement/Change OutTutorial

Duralast Part #'s: C8810; 71560 & C8811; 715615

GMC Sierra DIY Drive Shaft Removal Procedure

GMC Sierra DIY Drive Shaft Removal Procedure. This whole video was made due to my truck being stuck in gear. Tried everything to get it unstuck but nothing worked. Had to get it out of the way so it was necessary to remove the drive shaft and pull it out of the way.

If this happens to you or you need to disconnect your drive shaft for other reasons, then this video is for you. It's actually very easy and can be done with simple hand tools.

The first thing I did was jack up the track and place jack stands under it so I didn't get crushed.

Secondly, I disconnected it at the rear differential joint. This was easily removed by loosening the 4 bolts shown using a 7/16" socket.

Before completely removing them I made sure to tie up the drive shaft so it didn't smack me in the face. I used a flathead screwdriver to pop off the little clips around the universal joint and the retaining rings. Once these are removed the drive shaft comes right out.

Pretty simple. I did end up buying a new universal joint as the old one was a little rusty. It was fairly inexpensive at auto zone.

Amazon link to new U-joint:

The joys of owning a GMC Sierra or Silverado are endless. There are many things to look forward to if you are choosing to be the proud owner of a GMC Sierra or Silverado. You can bet that the Service Tire Pressure Monitoring System dash warning light will come on at some point. You'll need to change the spark plugs and spark plug cables as well as change the oil. You likely need to know how to remove the tailgate as well as keep your tailgate from being stolen as they are really quick and easy to remove. Steering wheel replacement and possibly even steering column replacement. There's a chance that at some point you'll need to know how to remove or and least disconnect and re-connect the drive shaft. You'll need to know how to reset the change oil soon dash warning as well as what some of the common error codes are.

Link to some new GMC floor matts:

Error Code P0521-GMC Sierra/Silverado Circa 2010 Models

Error Code P0521-GMC Sierra/Silverado Circa 2010 Models-In this case the error code was caused by being low on oil.

The joys of owning a GMC Sierra or Silverado are endless. There are many things to look forward to if you are choosing to be the proud owner of a GMC Sierra or Silverado. You can bet that the Service Tire Pressure Monitoring System dash warning light will come on at some point. You'll need to change the spark plugs and spark plug cables as well as change the oil. You likely need to know how to remove the tailgate as well as keep your tailgate from being stolen as they are really quick and easy to remove. Steering wheel replacement and possibly even steering column replacement. There's a chance that at some point you'll need to know how to remove or and least disconnect and re-connect the drive shaft. You'll need to know how to reset the change oil soon dash warning as well as what some of the common error codes are.

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