This warning is telling you that at least one of your Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) sensors are faulty. These sensors are located inside the tires and cannot be replaced without removing the tire from the rim. These are simply sensors. This means that if you are getting the warning you should probably pull over and take an in person visual look at your tires. When you look at your tires after seeing this notification and your tires still look like they are mostly inflated than it's likely that the battery gas gone bad on one of your Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors (TPMS). If one of them are bad, then the others are sure to follow. The batteries go bad on them and need to be replaced. Best time to do it is when you get new tires. It would be advisable to get all 4 changed at the same time rather than just change one or two. What is likely to happen is that the remaining sensors are likely to go bad not too long after you get one or two replaced resulting in having to look at the error message for another length of time. It's kind of a scam b/c I've been told by quite a few automotive mechanics that they design these sensors to fail right around the 10 year mark. The unfortunate part is that this adds a few hundred buck to your already expensive tire replacement. It been mandated by law that all vehicles must have them now.
When this first happened to me I checked and double checked my tire pressure on all four tires and even inflated them towards the upper PSI limit thinking that this would make the "Service Tire Monitoring System" warning disappear but it did not.
One way to possibly save a little money when getting these things changed are to order the sensors yourself and then providing them to the automotive garage or business that you have changing your tires because many times tire centers will charge you extra for these sensors (as with many parts) as this is a way for them to make a small profit and also they DO need to be paid for their effort and time, after all, they are the ones ordering your parts. Be sure you order the correct sensors for your make, model, and year of vehicle. is a good place to order parts from. I have had many friends who are motor heads order numerous parts from them and all have good things to say about them. I've ordered my TMPS sensors from them and it was really easy. They sent me the correct parts at a decent price.
This demonstration revolved around a GMC Sierra. There are a number of things that will go wrong with these General Motor's Corporation Sierra Model Trucks. You may find yourself having to disconnect the drive shaft and many other things. I'm going to make a post GMC Sierra pretty soon as I've got numerous videos on fixing and replacing parts on them in my driveway at home with minimal tools. Here'a couple videos on what I'll be talking about (see below).
GMC Sierra DIY Drive Shaft Removal Procedure. This whole video was made due to my truck being stuck in gear. Tried everything to get it unstuck but nothing worked. Had to get it out of the way so it was necessary to remove the drive shaft and pull it out of the way. If this happens to you or you need to disconnect your drive shaft for other reasons, then this video is for you. It's actually very easy and can be done with simple hand tools. The first thing I did was jack up the track and place jack stands under it so I didn't get crushed. Secondly, I disconnected it at the rear differential joint. This was easily removed by loosening the 4 bolts shown using a 7/16" socket. Before completely removing them I made sure to tie up the drive shaft so it didn't smack me in the face. I used a flathead screwdriver to pop off the little clips around the universal joint and the retaining rings. Once these are removed the drive shaft comes right out. Pretty simple. I did end up buying a new universal joint as the old one was a little rusty. It was fairly inexpensive at auto zone.